Wednesday, June 18, 2008

There is a school board meeting today at 5:00. Zsombor Peter will be there.

There will be a handful of administrators in attendance,
and very few others at the meeting which is scheduled
at a time and in a place, inconvenient to virtually all
stakeholders; in the yet to be justified million dollar board room.

The leadership of the APS will be asked if there is even one
among them with;

the character and courage to participate in a candid,
forthright, and honest discussion
of administrative standards and accountability.
They will confirm that there is not.

In order to ask the question;
I will risk yet another arrest by the APS Praetorian Guard;
an un-certificated, and un-accredited publicly funded,
private police force.

A now armed police force, that reports to no one except
the leadership of the APS.

A Praetorian Guard that has has been used before,
and will be used again, to suppress political opposition.

Zsombor Peter will not write this newsworthy story;
because he lacks the character and courage to write it;

or because he wouldn't know "newsworthy"
if it were biting him on his ass; biting him on his ass like
a pride of lions taking down a water buffalo.

Or for some other good and ethical reason which
I cannot imagine,
and which neither Zsombor Peter, nor anyone else
at the Journal, can articulate.

cc Zsombor Peter (except that he does not want to be copied
another of my "silly postings"; so in his stead;
Journal editors, all of them.)

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