Friday, June 13, 2008

APS School Board Head Honcho, Paula Maes has one enormous ass to cover.

Paula Maes is a member of Albuquerque's privileged class.

So is Journal editor Kent Walz.

Among the privileges of the privileged class is that they cut each other a great deal of slack when it comes to holding each other accountable to any meaningful standard of conduct.

They cover each other's asses.

Paula Maes needs her ass to be covered by the Journal.

So Kent Walz will not write about any of her shenanigans;

  • the multi-million dollar relationship between the APS and her husband's law firm: Modrall; and
  • their litigation against the public interest, in order to except the leadership of the APS from accountability even to the law; and
  • her abdication as the senior role model of the student standard of conduct; and
  • her manipulation of the public forum and the rights of citizens to petition their government; and
  • her illegal use of the APS Police Force, her Praetorian Guard, a publicly funded, private police; accredited by no one, certificated by no one, and which reports directly to, and only to, to the leadership of the APS, to deny the expression of constitutional rights by those who would hold her accountable; and
  • her obstruction of an impartial audit of the leadership of the APS, that would name names, and hold any individual administrators accountable for their conduct and competence as public servants; and
  • her continued refusal to engage in a candid, forthright and honest discussion of ethics and accountability in the leadership of the APS.
to name but just a few.

When you have an enormous ass to cover;
it's good to know someone who buys their ink by the barrel.

And who will spare that ink, in like amounts,
in the interests of covering your ass.

It must suck to be education reporter Zsombor Peter;
the poor guy left holding the bag. link

cc Walz upon posting

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