Friday, June 13, 2008

Albuquerque Journal Education Reporter, Zsombor Peter; Refuses to Write the Truth.

The truth is;

the leadership of the APS has lowered their own
standards of conduct and competence,
in "secret" from stakeholders.

They were once accountable to a nationally
recognized, accepted and respected code of ethical
the Pillars of Character Counts;
the student standard of conduct.

The leadership of the APS now holds themselves
unaccountable except to the law;
the lowest commonly acceptable standard of conduct.

They removed from their own standards of conduct
the phrase, and the coincidental obligations as role models;
in no case
shall the standards of conduct for adults
be lower than the standards for students.
The leadership of the APS holds students accountable
to a higher standard of conduct than the standard
to which they will be held accountable. They are
role models only of hypocrisy.

The leadership of the APS have simply abandoned
their many obligations as role models.

They steadfastly refuse to explain, defend, or
even acknowledge their decision.

They steadfastly refuse to answer the question;
Will you engage in a candid, forthright, and
honest discussion of administrative ethics and
And Zsombor Peter steadfastly refuses to inform reader


1. the story simply is not newsworthy;
of sufficient interest or importance to the public
to warrant reporting in the media. The story is not one
that reader stakeholders must know, or need to know,
or should know, will want to know, or would be
interested to know.
It is less newsworthy than any other story that has
made the cut.

The story does not require writing under the
Journalist's Code of Ethics:
  • Its first loyalty is to citizens.
  • Its essence is a discipline of verification.
  • Its practitioners must maintain an independence from those they cover.
  • Journalism must serve as an independent monitor of power.
  • It must provide a forum for public criticism and compromise.
  • It must strive to make the significant interesting and relevant.
  • It must keep the news comprehensive and proportional.
  • Its practitioners must be allowed to exercise their personal conscience.
  • Journalism's first obligation is to the truth.
Two useful links one to wikipedia,
one to the Society of Professional Journalists.

2. The story is newsworthy, but Zsombor Peter cannot see it.
This would imply that Zsombor Peter wouldn't know
"newsworthy" if it bit him on the ass;
bit on the ass like a lion taking down a water buffalo.
3. Zsombor Peter is not allowed to write the truth.
I have oft alleged that he is the pawn of higher ups,
like Journal Editor Kent Walz.
4. Zsombor Peter is afraid to write the truth.
He is afraid of the leadership of the APS Modrall;
he is afraid to make waves.
5. Zsombor Peter is corrupt.
He has made a deliberate decision to keep stakeholders
in the dark for some sinister reason known only to him.

1. I, and I believe Journal readers as well,
will reject reason 1. as nonsense; categorically indefensible.

2. Neither I nor, I suspect, Zsombor Peter believes that he
doesn't recognize newsworthiness.

3. Zsombor Peter has rejected reason 3 as "ridiculous".

which leaves us with only reasons 4 & 5:
4. Zsombor Peter is afraid to write the truth, and/or
5. Zsombor Peter is corrupt.
If there is another explanation, I cannot imagine it,
and Zsombor Peter has not, can not, and will not articulate it.

... even anonymously as a comment upon this post.

cc Zsombor Peter, Kent Walz upon posting.

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