Sunday, April 01, 2007

the level of the debate

a ball has been kicked onto the field; there is a least a possibility that the legislature will reconvene in the near future. and when they do; they will debate whether or not they will protect taxpayers and the public, from corruption and incompetence in public service.

before that debate; there will be another debate; the debate over whether or not there will be a special session; whether or not their will be attention paid to public corruption and incompetence.

I suspect that the level of that debate will be extraordinarily low.

political debate in general has deteriorated into dueling sound bites and worse. talk about rolling over in their graves; can you imagine what the founding fathers would have thought had they witnessed the wilson/madrid election process?

can you imagine what they would think about the debate over whether or not public servants should be accountable for their conduct and competence as public servants?

it will be a debate of the lowest level yet. it has to be.

the debate has to be confined to non-issues because there is no argument against ethical reform. if there were; why has it not been advanced? why will no one stand in its support?

the arguments in favor of ethics reform are; well thought out, well reasoned and practical.

the arguments against ethical reform are either unethical or they are nonsense. the arguments against ethics reform prevail only by the onerous weight of those who benefit from the absence of ethical accountability.

accountability to a meaningful standard of conduct is opposed only by those who do not want to be held accountable for their conduct or competence.

they will win the "debate" by preventing the debate.

submitted as proof; there is no debate over the aps administrative audit.

the corrupt and incompetent in the leadership of the aps have prevented an audit by preventing a debate in which they cannot prevail by honest argument.

at the risk of sounding like a broken record. this situation is made possible only by the journal and trib, who refuse to inform stakeholders. the only people who know what is going on in the leadership of the aps; are those who read and believe me, and those who have personally witnessed the lack of accountability in the leadership of the aps.

who knows how many people are writing to the journal and trib, expecting them to publish the truth; and finding themselves, and the truth, being ignored?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the key is to get Mike Sanchez and Linda Lopez to see the light. These are both people I like quite a bit, but for some reason were instrumental in killing the legislation. Very disappointing.