Friday, April 20, 2007

"It's time to talk openly about APS...

...gun policy" wrote an editor at the Trib.

I could not agree more.

It is actually way past time to talk openly about APS; and not just gun policy.

It's way past time that we talk openly about a lot of things.

Why can't we talk about site based decision making? Or transparent accountability? Why can't we talk about forensic audits?

Why can't we talk about gun policy?

Because Paula Maes said so. Paula Maes and Modral do not want to revisit the issue. They have prevailed in this and other isses with no more than "Because I said so."

It is "because I said so." that Paula Maes and Modral will not revisit their decision not to require simple truth telling as a matter of policy.

Nor will they revisit their decision not to have transparent accountability to any meaningful standard of conduct.

Nor will they revisit their decision not to provide whistle blower protection to those who expose ethical misconduct.

Nor will they revisit their decision to remove the public forum from the public record, and condone deliberate falsification of the public record.

Nor will they revisit the decision to spend public resources and trust to defeat the NMIPRA and OMA.

Nor will they revist their decision to conceal an honest accounting of the uptown administrative complex.

Nor will they revisit their decision to suppress the truth of public corruption and criminal conspiracy in the administration of the APS Police Force; and in general.

Nor will they revisit their decision to keep all audit results "confidential"; releasing only what they want to release; enforcing that privilege by means of the Modral Law Firm and taxpayer support for "education".

Nor will they revisit their decision to refuse forensic audits of public resources in the APS.

Nor will they revisit their decision to abdicate as role models for the student standard of conduct.

  • They are no longer, themselves, accountable to the same "minimum" standard of conduct to which they hold students accountable.
  • They only stonewall in response to the question; Will you hold yourself honestly accountable to the student standard of conduct.
  • They removed from their code of conduct the expectation and the phrase; in no case shall the standard for adults be lower than the standard for students.

All of these situations exist to the benefit of Maes/Modral. I challenge anyone to find another board member, except Robert Lucero, who will stand on the record in support of any of these decisions.

Demigods on the board; like Paula Maes, have usurped control over public power and resources in the APS. She acts as though she can do what ever she wants. It is she who will decide what gets discussed, and what does not.

"Some of the old ones seem to have all of the clout." said a man who would like to talk about whether or not he should remain defenseless in his assignment to protect 98,000 of our sons and daughters.

Paula Maes and the Modral Law firm are "the old one".

This is not the way a school board should function. It is not in the public best interest. It is not in the best interests of students.

Paula Maes and the Modral Law Firm have no right to usurp the public agenda.

And the Journal and the Trib have every obligation to expose them.

How do you get the Journal and the Trib to investigate and report upon allegations of public corruption and criminial conspiracy in the leadership of the public schools?

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