I asked Bernalillio County Sheriff Darren White for some public records. I asked for the public records which would show that the Leadership of the APS had used BCSO computers and privileges to do illegal background searches.
I sent the request to him with the expressed expectation that he would forward the request to the custodian of public records for the BCSO.
Either he is the BCSO custodian of public records; or he just decided to handle the request himself. His response to the request was, "We have no documents that are responsive to your request."
To which I replied, "It is difficult for me to believe that you are claiming that there is no record of aps police using BCSO computers to do illegal background checks. Are you claiming that they are privileged in some way? Do you claim a privileged document log?"
To which he responded, "If you are requesting information regarding computer background checks, you will need to make that request to the Bernalillo County Manager. The county Communication Center is not under my command. You can make your request to:Bernalillo County Office of the County Manager, One Civic Plaza,10th Floor
Albuquerque, NM. 87102"
To which I responded, " I am not requesting information regarding computer background checks. I am looking for the records of which APS administrator or police officer, or other, used BCSO computers to do the illegal background checks; like the one where your computer was used to do an illegal background check on some APS administrators girl friend. Is there no log of you uses your computers to do background checks?
To which he is yet to respond. But I think that you can see that the request for public records of the leadership of the APS and their alleged criminal misuse of computers for which the sheriff is responsible; is going badly.
As is the coincidental request, that I made of him, for public records of BCSO arrests or investigations of APS administrators or board members; and their ultimate determination.
Not coincidently, Sheriff Darren White will be legitimizing the upcoming "review" of the allegedly corrupt APS Police Department administration, (including the alleged criminal misuse of his own computers).
Neither he, nor APD Chief Shultz, will address the apparent conflict of interest presented by their legitimizing a review which should reasonably include the investigation of the illegal use of law enforcement computers; possibly with at least their "tacit" approval.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Darren White's hinky answers
Posted by
ched macquigg
1:53 PM
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Hinky. The first time I heard that word was out of Sgt. (at the time) Nasci's mouth during the BCSD Academy #6. I was there getting training as an APS Security-Police Special Deputy "Patrolman". Thats what the terminology was back then, they have changed it since.
Anyways, that word, hinky, is hard to define. Just a general feeling of somethings not right. But, as I also learned in that same academy law block, hinkiness does not probable cause or reasonable suspicion make. It can possibly mean sometimes that people just are not at liberty to speak yet. Or sure, full blown conspiracies, those happen too. And mostly, I bet, somewhere in between with facts and laws we dont even know about affecting our ability to reach information vital to our ethical standing in the world.
I think Sheriff White will do what he is obligated to do under law. I have never met the guy, but I remember when he was a reporter and he seemed trustworty and kind of a flag bearer for good causes. He went and helped PERSONALLY the victims of hurricanes in another STATE when he could of just sent a team. I think he is pretty cool.
I got used to not taking it personal everytime I "missed" a crime as an APS Security-Police. Things happend on your watch, on the grounds you were assigned to, all the time. You can't be everywhere at once. When you are sick, someone else fills in. When you are injured, someone else gets OT to fill your slot for a while. It could have been ANYONE's watch. You just have to try to fight the battles you can win and keep track of the bastards who you can't catch yet, cuz SOMEday...
I think Sheriff White can see the long term plan, and knows that he has to fight his battles on his timetable with the information he knows but can't reveal. It's a law enformcemnt quandry, and sucks until you get to light up the creatures who have been hiding in the dark with your elaborate trap.
Or not, who knows, I got kicked in the head lots of times.
the trouble is; there is no such thing as "not at liberty to speak"; there is no such thing as "knows but can't reveal".
the only such thing is; public record or, not public record.
after that, there is only a legal exception to the NMIPRA; or no exception at all.
Law enforcement can only except records that would give up sources, compromise investigations, and such. none of which applies here.
I'm with you, a lot of people could have gone to Louisiana and didn't.
Some times good people get screwed by their personal and professional loyalty to people who don't deserve it; and who take advantage of it.
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