Monday, April 16, 2007

Paul Casaus is the editor of the trib

Charlie Moore edits the Journal. I think he does. He has never given an honest instant of his attention to me or my allegations of public corruption and criminal conspiracy in the leadership of the APS. I wouldn't be able to swear in court that he even exists.

In any sitation that required him to explain away his lack of attention; he still maintains plausible deniability. I can't prove in court, that he really knows anything.

Phill Casaus on the other hand; can no longer plausibly deny that he is aware of the allegations of public corruption and criminal conspiracy in the leadership of the APS. He reads this blog.

On two occasions, on the blog, I inadvertently addressed him as Paul; when asking for his attention.

On both occasions he took the opportunity to fire off a little epistle exposing my doltishness for having confused his name with his brother's. In truth I didn't even know he had a brother; I simply misremembered his name.

In any event, he documented his attention to my mistake and my allegations; twice.

It is his deliberate and informed choice to stonewall the issue of public corruption and criminal conspiracy in the leadership of the Albuquerque Public Schools.

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