I had asked the nm aclu to examine the practice of public servants refusing to take questions on the record.
There is a great deal of difference between
a question that is asked on the record,
and one that is not.
The right to petition has been removed from the record because the leadership of the APS does not want a record of their response when asked this particular question;
as a public servant, as a steward of the public trust and treasure; and as a role model for 98,000 students;
Will you hold yourself honestly accountable to a meaningful standard of conduct, by a system over which you have no control, and even against your will?Their response on a dozen occasions was no.
- They will not respond to the question by admitting the truth.
- They will not surrender the public record of their evasion of honest accountability.
- They have renounced their obligation as role models of the student standard of conduct.
- Their record is one only of evading accountability.
- There is no plausible denial.
- They cannot even lie "legally."
So they fall back upon the only defense of an indefensible position; stonewall.
They want their stonewalling off the record. There is no other plausible explanation for moving the public forum off of the public record.
In any case, the result is the same; the public no longer has the right to ask legitimate questions of public servants, on the record.
Our right to petition our government is among rights guaranteed and protected by our constitution and our government.
Since there are countries where those who seek to petition their government are stuffed into wood chippers; the right to petition seems fairly important; a right worth defending.
The ACLU indicated that public servants refusing to take legitimate questions on the record, is "legally" acceptable and cannot be challenged.
Houston ...we have a problem.
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