Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Has Marty Esquivel met his match?

A reader has suggested the School Board President Marty Esquivel is all that his resume implies that he is, but has simply run into people too powerful to buck.

That would be the part where character and moral courage
come into play.

Is David Peercy a good guy who will not allow role modeling to be discussed in his policy committee meeting, because he has met his match?

That would be the part where character
and moral courage come into play.

Is David Robbins a good guy

  • who will not allow his Audit Committee to review and approve whistleblower complaints, and
  • who will not demand the impartial standards and accountability audit that he promised to voters, and
  • who will not insist that his Role Modeling motion be discussed openly, honestly, and in public,
because he has met is match?

That would be the part where character and moral courage
come into play.

Is Winston Brooks a good guy who refuses step up as a role model of the student standards of conduct, because he has met his match?

That would be the part where character
and moral courage come into play.

Is there no one in the entire leadership of the APS willing to be held honestly accountable to meaningful standards of conduct and competence, simple because they have all met their match?

Are the good ol' boys simply too powerful to put out of business?

The good ol' boy oligarchy will never be brought down if no one is willing to stand up to it.

David has to stand up to Goliath.

There is no equivalent gesture.

photos Mark Bralley


Anonymous said...

Many good teachers give up, give in, go away...aka "meet their match" in systems like APS that are not truly "student focused". This is not opinion, it is fact. Way too many new teachers "dissapear" during their 1st three years of teaching, never to return to the teaching field. Many others are in stress therapy, or are unofficially "blacklisted", or are "suspended with pay", never to return again.
While all this is well known, and much of it repeats itself in community college and university environments, I have to say that I never made the parallel between "squeezed" teachers and "squeezed" board members until your piece about Marty Esquivel.
I wrote the opinion about Esquivel you referred to. I don't offer that "charitable" thinking to all the board members. For instance, I can see a lot of good in MArty, and I know Paula Maes and he sit on many of the same committees outside of APS. However, I find Paula to be usually thinking and acting like a sophisticated Red neck that opens her mouth just to hear the uninformed, and sometimes hateful and patronizing, jibberish come forth.
I also observe Dolores G. "sticking her foot in it" when there's a chance to ensure Hispanic students are getting equal rights. Though I applaud her personally for this, professionally she should be "sticking her foot in it" for any students that aren't being treated equally.
So all the Board members have their personal goals and agendas and reasons for serving on the school board.
I think your question about MArty, when fine-tuned, is: "Marty, if you were here to make things better, why have you submitted to all that you spent your life opposing?"
Those who have been around for awhile (like you Ched) have seen Marty devolving from an open, concerned Board member, willing to listen to the public, willing to respond, willing to oppose bad policies...to now being a quite, neutered board member that doesn't inplement bad policies, but let's bad policies go into effect, basically unopposed.
As you quoted many times before: all that evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing.
MArty is president now. He can reclaim and represent the great ideals that he dedicated his life too.
Don't be defeated Marty...there's no honor in that!

Anonymous said...

I find Brooks to be Cowardice Incarnate.
He won't address parents' concerns.
He won't show up to meetings where there's conflicts to be resolved.
He won't say he's mistaken or apologize for putting someone like Linda Torres in charge at RGHS.
He didn't address in person (and never clarified) the problems at EPMS & RGHS which led to the dismissal of administrators there.
And I truly think he is deathly afraid of unhappy non-White people.