Monday, August 31, 2009

Who do we need to sit on an Ethics Commission?

Lt Gov hopeful Jerry Ortiz y Pino, in his guest post on
Heath Haussamen's site, link, writes that we need;

men and women widely recognized for their integrity,
experience and objectivity. Retired judges, former deans
of law schools or ex-university presidents or academics,
professional ethicists, active or retired clerics, civic leaders
with long records of public service.
Manny Aragon is an ex-president of a university.
Does that qualify him for a seat on an Ethics Commission?

It is clear that we will need trustworthy people. If we cannot
find trustworthy commissioners, the promised restoration
of faith will not be realized.

There is no other qualification for sitting on that commission
that will compensate for the failure to restore the trust.

It is clear that Ortiz y Pino has a great deal of faith in members
of the "upper" class, and not much regard at all for the judgment
and trustworthiness of those of us in the great unwashed.

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