I will begin by saying that I think Richard Berry scored big time; sincere, articulate, knowledgeable, and humble enough to repeatedly point out that he needed to meet with the rank and file before deciding how problems will best be addressed.
Bob Clark's job was to ask the best possible questions.
Among the questions not among the best questions;
Please ask Rep Berry;I get it. I am among a very, very few who think that question is the most important question of all.
Is it possible to end corruption in city government - and how will you do it.
But is it really among the least important of questions?
How can they be planning to end public corruption and incompetence, with no plan to end public corruption and incompetence.?
Bob Clark has one more chance to ask the question.
Mayor Marty Chavez could be asked to answer it tomorrow.
The only way you or I could ask him to answer the question
would be if we sprang out of a bush and before his
"body" guards, link, could spring into action.
Perhaps he might be able to ask as well, how is it that Chavez' crony's nephew's landscaping company sold crappy concrete to taxpayers, link, and still, no heads have rolled.
Or, about why his Ethics in Public Service Act is teats up, link.
Or, about why Rey Garduno's transparency bill is being held up, link.
Or, about the Bode tapes, link, and the numerous allegations of shakedowns on his behalf.

he hasn't changed one bit.
photo Mark Bralley
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