Friday, October 30, 2009

The gubernatorial campaign is going to be ugly.

This from Heath Haussamen, link.

"Josh Geise, the Democratic Party’s executive director, said in a news release.
“Regardless of who emerges from the Republican primary, the lack of experience in their entire slate of Republican candidates should deeply concern New Mexicans,” Geise said. “Now is not the time for on-the-job training. We need a proven leader to help New Mexico families weather these tough times, and none of the Republicans running come close to meeting that challenge.”
What ever he means by calling good men and women "second tier", it isn't good.

Is New Mexico not big enough for two political parties?

Will name calling be the only course on the table?

Can there not be civil discourse on any issue?

It would appear that Josh Geise cannot say a single good thing about anybody who is not a Democrat.

Some would say; "Well duh. That's his job"

I would say, Well yeah, maybe, but it's still a damn shame.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nevertheless, the question remains: "Is Denish a proven leader?"