I am sitting here listening to Bob Clark interviewing Marty Chavez.
Disclosure; I am sitting here wanting him to screw up.
Clark's job; ask the best questions.
Chavez' job; answer them candidly, forthrightly and honestly.
Clark is pushing back. Chavez is ahead on points;
- a lot of his arguments make a lot of sense, and
- his accomplishments are spectacular.
I am not the only one to call Marty Chavez a bully.
So the question becomes, if you have the opportunity to
elect a bully, just because he gets things done, do you?
Even though? that means at some later time he can do something to you, you don't want done;
something that a majority of stakeholders don't want done.
Chavez intends t grow Albuquerque from Isleta to Sandia,
and the mountains to the Rio Puerco. Has he asked you if
you want to live in the middle of a city of 10 million people?
Or if you want your kids to live there?
He intends to do it regardless.
In general, bullies get their way. Why else do they bully?
Do we want to elect a successful bully?
And then there is the issue of public corruption.
If you concede that it exists; then you concede two possibilities;
- it can be ended, or
- it can not be ended.
transparent accountability to meaningful standards ofthen you concede two more possibilities;
conduct and competence for politicians and public servants,
- it has not ended because it is impossible to end it, or
- it has not ended because those with the power, authority, and responsibility to end it have not done so.
- deliberately, or
- inadvertently.
(it just never occurred to them, our power and resourcesthen all they have to do is provide transparent accountability.
could be protected by transparent accountability.)
If they have made, if they are making, a deliberate decision
to except themselves from transparent accountability to
meaningful standards of conduct and competence, you have
two choices;
- tolerate it,
- or end it.
if anyone can thinks of any other way, now would be the time.
Else; it is torches and pitchforks.
If enough torches and pitchforks are carried to the same place
at the same time, tyrants can be deposed. Bullies can be
There are castles to storm.
If inclined to torches and pitchforks there two upcoming
- the public forum at a regular meeting of the Albuquerque Public Schools Board of Education or
- the public forum at a City Council Meeting.
There is a time, a day, and a place.
1700 hours, Wednesday, October 7,
the public forum at the next regular meeting of the
Albuquerque Public Schools Board of Education.
If your inclination is toward an honest and open discussion of standards and accountability in city government, there is another castle to storm.

There is a time, a day, and a place.
1700 hours, Wednesday October 7,
the public forum at the next regular meeting of the
City Council of the City of Albuquerque,
Vincent E. Griego Chambers
Bernalillo County Government Center
One Civic Plaza Albuquerque
photos Mark Bralley
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