Transparency is on the City Council meeting agenda,
link, click on agenda, item "12-L". It is a bill submitted byCouncilor Rey Garduno.
R-09-319. Calling For Transparency In The City of Albuquerque's Use of Public Funds In The Areas of Purchasing, Economic Development, Accounting, and Hiring of
Retired Employees.
The bill has been shot down twice already, link; reportedly, according to the wishes of former mayor, Marty Chavez. It has been shot down by nonsense and procedural delays.
If you believe in transparency in government, there is an opportunity to stand up for what you believe in, during the public forum.
I cannot link to the agenda for the school board meeting.
In an apparent violation of the Open Meetings Act,
the agenda is not posted on the district's website.
"Transparency" is not actually on the agenda for the APS School Board Meeting, nor likely, will it ever be. The leadership of the APS is trying desperately to avoid an open and honest discussion of student standards of conduct and of, executive and administrative role modeling of those standards, link.
During the last board meeting, Board Member David Robbins told stakeholders;

" regards to Character Counts! ... the school district is emphatic that we support it."
That statement is categorically untrue.

When asked, repeatedly, what is the APS student standard of conduct, he will not answer.
Robbins will be asked to defend or retract his proclamation that there is any support for Character Counts!, emphatic or otherwise.
Again, the opportunity to stand up for what you believe in (high standards of conduct and competence for students, and requiring administrators and board members to step up as role models of those standards) at a public forum.
Both meetings start at 5pm.
Pick a side, pick a meeting, and step up.
photos Mark Bralley
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