Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Did Michael Locksley "punch" his assistant.

Michael Locksley is apparently denying that he "punched"
his subordinate. When he says that, he doesn't actually draw
quote marks in the air with his fingers. But they're there.

Now imagine that he can do that because you paid UNM's
lawyers to sit down, at huge expense to taxpayers,
to come up with a "legal" definition for the word "punch"
that makes "punch" not mean "punch" anymore.

Now try to imagine what difference it could possibly make.

Except "legally".

If role modeling isn't about higher standards of conduct than
the lowest standard of conduct,

what is the point?

For the record, it doesn't make any difference if Locksley punched, slapped, pushed. or whatevered his assistant.

SS 30-3-4. Battery.

Battery is the unlawful, intentional touching or application
of force to the person of another, when done in a rude,
insolent or angry manner.

Whoever commits battery is guilty of a petty misdemeanor.

However, if you are "connected", no criminal charges will ever be filed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another turd in the NM Punch Bowel.
Hey Michael, say "hi" to:
Winston Brooks
Veronica Garcia
Bill Richardson
Marty Chavez
and others...
...while you swim around the NM punch bowel.