State Auditor Hector Balderas was interviewed by KOAT TV for their 10 o'clock news tonight.
This morning, a link is up on KOAT's website. It's a must see.
He said the same thing he was saying when this photograph was taken months ago,
Every dollar invested in auditing the spending of tax dollars will be repaid many times over in dollars not wasted through public corruption and incompetence.

He said tonight, if he has to trim 4% off his already too small budget, it will cost tax payers millions more dollars than will be saved.
KOAT reporter Chris Ramirez closes the piece pointing out,
if the State Auditor had even three more auditors,
he could save taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.
There are some things in a budget you cut last. Among them,
State Senator Dede Feldman pointed out recently, link,
are cuts that will kill people and cuts that will cost the state
in matching funds. If you can spend one dollar to save four,
it is a prudent investment even in the hardest of times.
She did not have on her list; don't cut the funding to the people
who can protect tax dollars from theft and waste. Ending waste
has the same effect as cutting costs or adding revenue.
It means more money for the services we really need, without
raising taxes or cuts in other services.
Balderas is willing to actually expose public corruption and
incompetence, the administration is not.
You don't hear either Governor Richardson or Lt Governor
Diane Denish, calling for more funding, not less for the
State Auditor's Office.
Diane Denish's latest, greatest solution for ending the waste
from corruption and incompetence, is to create an
"Efficiency Hot Line".
Balderas' solution to corruption and waste, is to audit them
out of existence.
It can be made impossibly difficult to hide corruption.
Tax dollars can be made impossibly difficult to steal.
Denish's plan will cost little and save less.
Balderas' plan will cost more, but will save much more than it costs.
If ever there was a no brainer, this is it.
We are in hard times. It is more than likely, taxes will be raised.
I will be more in support of a tax increase, if I know that
those increases will not be squandered or stolen.
I worry much less about the money being spent, than I worry
about the money being wasted.
I am willing to pay to keep prisons open,
I am willing to pay for law enforcement,
I am willing to pay for public safety.
I am even willing to pay more for education.
I am not willing to have even one more dollar wasted because
no one is willing to stand up to those who are wasting our resources, and make them stop.
Balderas' is willing to make them stop. All he needs is resources.
If ever you were inclined to write to your legislators and tell
them what you expect them to do, this is the time.
Tell them you want the Office of the State Auditor to have
whatever resources they need to end the culture of public
corruption and incompetence, at once and for all.
Click on this link, find your legislators, house and senate,
send them an email. Tell them you expect them to give
State Auditor Balderas the resources he needs
in order to protect our interests.
Do it now. I have.
photo Mark Bralley
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