Blogger Monahan was one of the more recent to point to the
apparent largesse of our lame duck mayor, Marty Chavez, link.
While this apparently "the way things are done" in politics
in New Mexico, Monahan pointed to one pill in particular that is going to be especially hard to swallow;
The kicker (according to Monahan) is the new associate director position that was recently created in the Aviation department. Will (Chief Administrative Officer) Ed Adams fill this position, which just happens to be salaried at his current pay rate of $145,000. Sound fishy?Well yeah, it does.
Neither Adams, nor anyone else apparently, is going to be held accountable for the rape of taxpayers which was going on, and probably still is, in the Department of Municipal Development, link.
Every year, millions and millions of dollars are spent hiring private contractors to build things for the city. It is the job of the DMD to "manage contracts". It is their job to make sure taxpayers don't get ripped off by contractors.
There are a whole bunch of instances where the interests of taxpayers have not been protected. There is one case in particular, where the circumstances of the rip off were particularly egregious. The case involves one of Mayor Marty's crony's nephew's landscaping company. Tax payers were ripped off big time.The incompetence revealed in the audit, link, is so egregious as to appear to be more than just incompetence. It looks like outright corruption.
No head rolled.

And now, he gets another cushy job at taxpayer expense.
All of which begs a question;
Is the Berry Administration going to run the corruption, incompetence, and kickback bus off the road, or are we just switching drivers?The question will be answered by Ed Adams next assignment.
photos Mark Bralley
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