Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Who has taxpayers' backs?

The Journal reports this morning, no link available;

"The Pentagon's chief auditor was forced from her post Monday after sharp criticism from lawmakers over failures to hold defense contractors accountable for overcharges and poor performance."

The report did not indicate how many millions, billions?,
of dollars were wasted or stolen as a result of the failure
to protect the public interests.

How are we to protect ourselves and our tax dollars?

Who has our back, not just in Washington, but in Santa Fe,
in Albuquerque, and in the Albuquerque Public Schools?

Trust us, they say.

I say, I would much rather have real honest to God, efficiency
experts examine every aspect of government and report their
findings to the public record, not just to those
who have knowingly permitted or negligently allowed
our tax dollars to be wasted or stolen.

"Trusting" runs a far distant second to "impartial auditing",
if the object is to end the waste, fraud and abuse.

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