Sunday, October 18, 2009

Gov proposes 1.5% cut for APS.

The Governor also says, link,

"Cuts must include safeguards that classrooms,
kids and teachers will not be affected."
So where will the leadership of the APS cut 1.5%?

I would suppose that if those who actually work with kids, had a say, they would. They would point to the positions that don't make their jobs even one bit easier.

But the simple truth is that no one but the leadership of the APS knows who "works" at 6400 Uptown Blvd or what it is they do there.

The leadership of the APS steadfastly refuses an independent audit that will point candidly, forthrightly and honestly, at every position and at every expenditure.

They insist that we must "trust" them, even though we do not. Even though their steadfast refusal to be open and honest about their spending screams, do not trust us at all.

photo Mark Bralley


Anonymous said...

s is one of the fundamental problems in Public Education across the USA.
No one can demand any accountability, information, honesty or transparency to any superintendent or school board. They rule their "kingdoms" in absolute power.
The governor's constituent concerns office has said for a long time that they will not investigate, nor accept grievances, about the NM Dept of Education.
Veronica Garcia, the NM Ed Supe will not "interfere" in APS and demand answers, accountability nor transparency.
they already have it all sused out... the only way to get their attention is to takethem to court, which takes a lot of money, time, and aggravation. And in the end, if the Judge on the case knows the defendant, then you pretty much lose right off anyway because of the political and/or personal connections.
At some point, we all must realize that the Public Ed across the country is one big bucket of feces in a gleaming, shiny bowl.

Anonymous said...

Will the NM Secretary of Education and her staff have the same cuts???
Probably not!