Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Governor Richardson wants to hear from the public.

About what exactly? If you google "New Mexico State Budget"
you cannot find it. By which I mean, it isn't on the first page
of hits. It may exist deeper in.

I am sure, if you find it, you won't be able to make sense of

So the Governor is reading emails, listening to phone calls
and chatting in person with a handful of people who will travel
to Santa Fe for a chance for five minutes of face time with the
Governor. Each representing and defending the part of the
budget (cuts) which directly affect them.

My point is that we really don't know enough facts to do
anything except defend an issue we know is important to us;
education, medicare, ...

I would like to see the budget laid out in simple English.
I would like to see the "Ben Lujan Highway Interchange"
lined up side by side with "taking food from orphans' mouths".

It would make the decision making more fact based, and less
emotion based. It would be useful.

All of which begs the question;

Why isn't the state budget posted online in plain English?

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