Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A full scale, forensic accountability audit of the entire leadership of the APS

I have been asked to explain what I mean by the term "forensic audit".

I began with a Google to collect my thoughts and I decided upon;

Forensic; used or applied in the investigation and
establishment of facts or evidence,
appropriate for courts of law, or for public discussion
or argumentation.
Governor Bill Richardson said as recently as the last bond issue and mill levy elections, that the leadership of the APS has a state wide earned reputation for their lack of accountability.

Mayor Martin Chavez sees the accountability issue in the leadership of the APS as so profound, as to justify direct mayoral appointment of board members.

The Council of the Great City Schools auditors wrote that,
Administrative evaluations in the APS are subjective
and unrelated to promotion or step placement.
Those same auditors wrote that,
Anyone who filed any kind of complaint against a senior
administrator would would fall victim to
a "... culture of fear of retribution and retaliation..."
Every independent audit of the leadership of the APS
has reported significant problems with standards and accountability.

The leadership of the APS has never allowed any audit
of the conduct and competence of any senior admistrator
above the level of a Director.

The public corruption and criminal conspiracy in the
APS Police Department was laid on the Director,
and no mention was made at all of the senior administrator
that allowed that corruption to go on for ever.

The mess in the Finance Division was laid on a director.
No mention has been made of the senior administrator
that allowed that mess to go on for ever.

The Meyners Audit reported that billions of tax dollars have been spent
  • without adequate standards, and
  • without actual accountability, and
  • without keeping adequate and complete records.
Barring a miracle of biblical proportion;
millions of tax dollars have been squandered or stolen.

The leadership of the APS refuses to respond to any questions
about any criminal misconduct that Meyners auditors
have exposed.

There is a reason that APS senior administrators are never fired,
except that they leave with a bunch of public funding for "education".

Gil Lovato got a half a year of administrative leave,
Micheal Vigil
left with about a quarter of a million,
Brad Allison left with a bunch; and there are more. link

APS School Board President Paula Maes stood on the record in an open board meeting and said that she
... would never allow any audit that would name
the names of individual APS senior administrators
like for example; Tom Savage."
Almost two years later, the evidence of public corruption and
criminal conspiracy in the APS Police Department,
still has not been surrendered to law enforcement.
Statutes of limitation are about to expire, and good ol' boys
are going to get away with felony criminal misconduct, scot free.

There is no one in the entire leadership of the APS who will stand on the record and explain why they are obstructing an immediate, impartial standards and accountability audit that reports the public record.

The need for an impartial audit that reports to the public record
is incontrovertible.

Therefore; when I ask for a "forensic audit",

I mean an audit where the auditors work for the people,
and not for the people being audited.

I mean a standards and accountability audit;
  1. Are there meaningful standards of conduct and competence for the senior public servants in the APS? and
  2. Is there honest accountability to those standards under an impartial system powerful enough to hold even the most powerful public servants accountable, even against their will?
I mean an audit that reports to the public record.

I mean an audit that would make it impossibly difficult
to hide corruption and incompetence.

I mean an audit that would make it impossibly difficult
for APS senior administrators and board members
who have betrayed the public trust,

to continue to hide their names from public knowledge.

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