Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What did we learn from the Celebrate the 8! tour?

APS Supt Winston Brooks expended a great deal of time and public resources to underwrite his recent tour of the district.

At a time when he is so far behind the 8-ball in his office
that he doesn't even know if he has

"... too many administrators, too many teachers,
or too many custodians ..." on the payroll.
He heard a lot of things that he already knew; things we all
already knew.

And he heard some things that came as a surprise to him
and millions of dollars worth of senior APS administrators.

Which begs a question;
What is the single most important thing that Winston Brooks learned on tour, and was it worth the expense of finding it?
At a time when he and those same administrators could have
been in their offices trying to figure out if the APS have
"... too many administrators, too many teachers,
or too many custodians ..."

A test; I will ask Rigo Chavez to tell the truth about the overall cost to tax payers for the tour including administrative and staff salaries, handouts and cookies, and
I will ask APS' Director of Communication what new thing we learned for our investment.

Readers can follow up here link.

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