Monday, November 24, 2008

APS Offices Can't Be Called Spartan

It is a matter of perspective.

Jolene Gutierrez Krueger's Journal headline link read;

"APS Offices Can't Be Called Luxe"

(luxurious, elegant, sumptuous deluxe)
Mine reads;
APS Offices Can't Be Called Spartan

(simple, frugal, austere, rigorously self-disciplined or self-restrained)
One could argue that,
for as long as there are classrooms with paint peeling off the walls,

there should not be administrative offices with custom
hardwood paneling on theirs.

It's all in your perspective.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

FYI from APS

*New APS Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline: *SilentWhistle is a communication system used by APS to allow individuals to communicate their knowledge of any possible inappropriate, unethical or illegal activities within the organization. SilentWhistle is hosted by a third-party company – Allegiance, Inc. The information communicated through Allegiance goes directly to the APS Internal Audit Department. Your communication will remain completely confidential and anonymous, unless you select otherwise. The site may be reached by going to> or you may choose to speak to a live operator toll free at 1-877-874-8416 (24 hours a day/7 days per week). Your comments and valuable feedback have a direct result to the success of APS.

*Students, Teachers, Parents and Administrators Speak Up: *Since inception, Speak Up, the national online research project facilitated by Project Tomorrow, has collected the viewpoints of over 1.2 million students, educators and parents on key educational issues and shared them with local and national policy makers. Speak Up 2008: Oct. 20 - Dec. 18, is your opportunity to have your students, teachers, administrators and parents participate in the local and national dialogue about key educational topics including: technology use, 21st century schools, science and media/information literacy. To activate your registration in this online survey, visit