Friday, April 11, 2008

Winston Brooks; deceptive and clueless

Winston Brooks sat for an interview with Jessica Garate.


The interview began with Garate's first question;
what it the biggest problem facing the district?

Brooks dodged the question entirely.

The only problem he admitted to specifically in the whole interview, was our low graduation rate.

Winston Brooks' answer was neither candid, forthright nor honest.

When Garate asked Brooks want teachers want most from
him, he replied that teachers want the district to tell them
what to teach, and on what day it should be taught.

I think he is absolutely wrong in this belief; clueless in fact.

He believes that teachers want to end site based management.

Oddly, although he intends to end the practice,
he freely admits that site based management has been
extremely successful in some schools.

He admits that one of the greatest influences on the
drop out rate is that we have teachers who lecture all day
long, and who are "boring students to death".

His solution is to "raise standards and expectations".
Gee, if only someone had thought of that one before.

Lest I seem entirely critical; Brooks has some good ideas;
one of which is to spend some real money on technology
that students can use to further their own education.

But he doesn't have any better ideas than most of the 6 or 7 thousand people who work at the educational interface every day, and who will have no input in decisions that affect their interests and the interests of their students.

Winston Brooks will not be a role model of the student standard of conduct. He cannot model the Pillar of Respect while planning to eliminate autonomic decision making by those who have the skill set, the experience and the expertise to plot their own future.

Winston Brooks still will not respond to questions about an accountability audit, or about administrative role modeling.

He is obtuse, corrupt, or a coward.

Winston Brooks,
Elaborate upon;

  1. administrative role modeling of the student standard of conduct, and upon
  2. meaningful standards of conduct and competence for public servants in your administration, and upon,
  3. your system for providing principled resolution of complaints against administrators and board members.


Anonymous said...

I have worked as a teacher in 3 states, for 9 years. NEVER, EVER, have I ever heard an instructro express that they want to know what to teach on what day.
As for the "boring students with lectures" bit...what a moron! Students don;t even know how to take notes anymore from "lectures"! How are they going to pass college w/o this skill?
If I were to identify a problem, and others agree with me, it's the teacher that sits at his/her desk all period and have the students quietly work on assignments. Now THAT is cheating the kids!
How out of touch is he? I was starting to warm up to him (despite previous reservations), but now I'm distancing my favor again.
--An APS instructor

Anonymous said...

Winston has put a "freeze" on creating new electives and hiring new teachers.
Winston has also proclaimed that APS employees nned to be transferred/re-hired before any teachers from outside the district, or new teachers entering the field, can be hired.
Winston has also said that High schools are not to change their schedules next year, business (schedules) to remain the same.
Winston;s office has also put some brakes on English and MAth remediation. It's rumored that only 1/3 of the remedial students will actually recieve remediation, and that will be chosen from the 9th grade only (even though the 11 th grade is the crucial factor for testing!)
He, and/or others, according to the news on TV, has also put the brakes on funding, so that the opening of the new Southwest High Schools will be delayed.
1st rule of new management: Don;t make too many changes too quick.
2nd rule: Don;t make broad, wide spread, yet generalized, decisions that can quickly be misinterpreted, or get out of hand.
What's up Winston? I know APS is 3x the size of your old district...but come on..let's have a little business sense here!
--An APS instructor

Anonymous said...

In answer to the article Too many students bored, new APS boss says

That's right. Make school more like Reality TV. They spend more time in front of a TV each day than those teachers "who stand up before a class and lecture for 45, 50 (AGF), in some cases with double block 90 minutes." So now we are to cater to the child's attention span. Paying attention to developmental and gender differences, yes; but saying that kids are bored? I find a lot of tasks boring. Why don't you tell your boss you want to be entertained. Who runs this ship anyhow? It seems that bored kids=wrong teaching.

Who runs this ship anyhow?

Bottom Line? The kids, developmentally able or not, the kids.
The American family is child centered, either through psychological projection of parents or total dysfunction/neglect. On the one hand, parents feel they need to defend their parenting style by defending their child's behavior, right or wrong, with a lawyer. On the other hand, neglecting or dysfunctional parents hand over the running of the household to the kids. Kids trying to raise themselves to be responsible adults is a recipe for disaster. These parents do not respond to the schools calls, the judges send these kids back to the dysfunctional families and order them to return to the same classroom.
The schools let it happen,why?
Top down management. The Superintendent is nothing but the districts resident politician. If there are too many lost lawsuits, he/she must answer to the tax payers. The tax payers are also the same parents who sit on juries aghast at the schools enforcing a rule or are professional victims training their child in the art of deniability.
Top Down. So the Super tells the Ass.Supers who tell the site based Administrators, who never, under any circumstances, tells the teachers, that our policies and rules are "unenforceable".
Top Down.
The teachers then, totally in the dark, try enforcing the rules by writing the referrals that the referral fairy steals with alarming regularity that the administration never acts on. This teaches the kids that they can get away with breaking the unenforceable rules. It starts in first grade. It gets quite dangerous in middle and high school.
Top Down. Lawyers. Public Schools. Bad Mix. Throw in NCLB and the results? Disastrous.
European Method.
First, parents are not permitted to sue the government, thus the school.
Bottom up. Each school is a government unto itself. Either party, family or school is free to have the child go to a different school where there may be a better fit.
There is a wide range of schools from college prep to trade schools available.
Rules, totally enforceable. Teachers teaching, students learning, schools graduating responsible adults ready and willing to join the work force. Win-win!

Anonymous said...

It should read "Winston Brooks; disruptive and clueless"!
Another great "winner" to guide us, from APS.