Thursday, April 24, 2008

"We identified these problems. We're fixing the problems,"

APS has a budget shortfall, $20M.

"APS officials blame the deficit on exaggerated data the district sent the state about the special education services it was providing and about the experience and education of its teachers. That led the state to send APS more money than it should have." (Journal) emphasis added

APS Board Member, Robert Lucero

"We identified these problems. We're fixing the problems,"

He did not say who the good ol' boy is,
who misrepresented the truth in reports sent to the state,
and had to give back millions of dollars the district took
from the state, but to which, it was not honestly entitled.

Which means it could happen again

and again, and again, and again...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm. Debie Hines has been the good ol gal of Sped for quite some time. She is infamous for not putting policy in writing, the deniability clause, and letting the sped teachers get hauled into court.