Thursday, June 04, 2009

School board training scheduled.

The school board has scheduled another training; link.

The training is being given by the Cuddy McCarty Law Firm.

You might recognize their name from a previous post,
about a school board training they ran, link
that included a breakout session called;

The Open Meetings Act, your greatest threat.
In the School Law Conference Draft Agenda, we find;
"R. Open Meetings Act and the Inspection of Public Records Act

These two statutes are frequently used by school district critics to challenge school board actions or to embarrass school officials. ..." (emphasis added)
The law specifically and explicitly prohibits the introduction
of the "reason" for the request, in the consideration of a
public records request.

The New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act reads;
14-2-8 No person requesting records shall be required to
state the reason for inspecting the records.
The "reason" for the request doesn't play, even if the reason is
"to challenge board actions", or to "embarrass school officials".

You have to ask your self, what kind of person feels threatened
by the Inspection of Public Records Act, and by
the Open Meetings Act?

A person with something embarrassing or illegal to hide.

What kind of person asks, why are you asking?

A person trying justify their refusal to tell the truth according
to the law.

Does it occur to these people that only illegal board actions can
be challenged, or the school officials have reason to
be embarrassed, only if they have done something embarrassing?

Apparently not.

Either that or, it has occurred to them, and that is precisely
why they feel threatened by the truth "getting out".

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