APS accounting, by any reasonable measure is in shambles.
Who is responsible?
If provoked I'm sure, APS Supt.Winston Brooks would offer,
some manner of a "the buck stops here" contrition.
In a very real sense it does. He has been here long enough
to know that APS accounting is in shambles and to have done
something about it.But somewhere in APS'
Edifice of Incompetence and
Corruption, there is an
administrator whose actual
job description reads;
make sure that APS'
accounting is flawless.
For more than a hundred years there has been a good ol' boy
whose job it was, to make sure that APS' accounting was in order.
It never got done. Never.
When the Meyners auditors took a look at APS' Finance
Division, they found that there were not, and could
never have been;
- adequate financially sound procedures
- adequate accountability to such procedures as
there were, and - records kept, adequate and accurate enough to send a good ol' boy to jail.
They buck never stopped anywhere.
The buck never stopped on any good ol' boy's desk.
It never will.
Submitted as proof that it never will;
You don't know the name of good ol' boy whose direct
responsibility it was currently, to make sure that there
were standards and accountability in place to make it
impossibly difficult to steal or lose our money.
And, you never will.
School Board heavy hitter,
Paula Maes, said
she would never allow any
audit that names the names
of corrupt and incompetent
administrators or board members.
Good ol' boys turn a blind eye to each others corruption and
incompetence. That's why it has never ended, and never will.
The culture of corruption in government is not going to be fixed
by corrupt and incompetent politicians and public servants.
They will never institutionalize honest accountability to
meaningful standards of conduct and competence.
It's not the way they roll.
photos Mark Bralley
Many of those bucks "stopped" in the expensively refurbished boardroom.
Site administrators and bookkeepers aren't the only ones dipping their fingers in the cash pie.
Very good work. Corrupt officials
are everywhere. I recently went to
Kentucky and it amazing how many
of their problems also involve
corrupt officials. The battle
to end the corruption must continue.
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