Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Diane Denish's plan for "An open and honest state government" falls short.

Lt Governor Diane Denish has a new centerpiece website for
her run for Governor. On that website, is her plan for open and
honest government. link

She offers;

"New Mexicans deserve a state government as open and
honest as they are. Diane has long been a leader in the
effort to increase transparency in government. Most of all,
she is leading by example. For instance, she has
voluntarily reported her campaign contributions quarterly
(beyond what is required by current law). And she has
championed laws requiring stringent new reporting
requirements. Denish also recently led the fight to pass a
law requiring the state to post all contracts on the state's
web site so that every taxpayer can know exactly where
the state's tax dollars are going - to what companies,
for what purposes, and in what amounts."
Sounds good, but falls short. We need some specifics.
It's easy to say you're for open and honest government, but
the proof is in the pudding.

So far, her pudding doesn't include her plans for making public
records public; or for webcasting the legislature, or for an ethics
commission, or for a searchable data base, or ...

Most importantly, her plan for open and honest government
does not include a systemic overhaul of standards and
accountability, without which open and honest government is
an impossibility.

As wanting as her plan is, it offers more than most. Most of the
good ol' boys won't even mouth the words "open and honest

Every candidate for a state office, should furnish voters with a
comprehensive plan for open and honest government. And
if we don't like their plan, or if they don't offer any plan at all,
we should deny them our vote.

No plan, no vote.

Pass it on.


Anonymous said...

I live in Las Cruces, NM and we are counting the days till Ltg Denish leads our state. She is very well respected in southern NM and anyone that has had the honor to have spoken to her knows first hand she is a person of honor and she has a great love for New Mexico.

ched macquigg said...

Yes, but does she have the intention, and a comprehensive plan to end the culture of corruption by creating a state government that is truly open and honest.

Anonymous said...

I think it is hard to say, as a leader, "'s the cookie jar... my hand is not in it...the cookie jar will always be on display... but I refuse to be a cookie monster"
The "cookie jar" is the money and power that floats around out there and is up for grabs to be used illicitly or fraudulently.
Will she put the state cookie jar on display in an act of transparency?
Will she demand APS' cookie jar to be inventoried by an outside auditor and reported to the public?
Let's see.... but don't hold your breath!