When candidates Richard Romero and Richard Berry
suggested that Marty Chavez' spending of capital funds on
operational costs was unwise, Chavez skirted the issue with a
claim that the city has a good bond rating.Now candidate Berry has suggested that
the priorities of the Albuquerque Police
Department, bagging cell phone using
drivers instead addressing property
crime, are misplaced. (my example, not his)
Berry points out that property crimes are
up in Albuquerque but down in similar cities.
Chavez, through minion Pete Dinelli, suggests that crime
is up in Albuquerque only because of the recession, which
apparently has not hit the similar cities.
Although Berry did not slight or insult the Police Department,
Dinelli again, offered that Berry had somehow done the police
department "a real disservice.”
The tactic is simply manipulative, an effort to drive a wedge
between Berry and voters who support the Police Department
over an imaginary slight.Chavez, is ducking issues by
either not responding at all, or
by responding in ways that are
deceptive and misleading.
Why in the world would anyone
still trust this man?
Character counts, my aching ass.
photos Mark Bralley
Monday, June 15, 2009
Marty Chavez' responds to legitimate issues with misdirection.
Posted by
ched macquigg
10:22 AM
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