Friday, June 26, 2009

Lt. Governor Candidate Greg Solano steps up on ethics reform.

Sheriff Greg Solano is the first
statewide candidate to step up with
a comprehensive plan to end the
culture of corruption at once and
for all.

The plan of course, is simple;

  • an ethics commission,
  • strategic enhancements of the State Auditors Office and the Office of the Attorney General,
  • robust web casting of government,
  • and real transparency.
This is the candidate we have been waiting for.

Voters finally have a straight up choice; real reform or,
the same old, same old.

Read about it on his website; link

photo Mark Bralley

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting Solano out there Ched. I believe you, and as a voter, I will support him as long as he keeps takeing the high road.