Sunday, June 07, 2009

People who live in glass houses, can't throw stones.

and yes I know the original quote argues; "shouldn't" throw
stones; but it goes deeper than that.

A politician who threw the stone called character, would have
to have character of his own, more substantial than glass.

I am dumbfounded that there is not a single candidate for
any office, who "can" make character an issue in election.

Is there no one who will hold themselves honestly accountable
to a standard of conduct that requires telling the truth?

Even for the measly few hours a day that we trust them with
control over our power and resources.

Someone is going to be the first to stand up and promise to
tell the truth. Everyone else will be among the last.
As to the one who is dead last,

"I pity the fool". Mr T. wikilink

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