Monday, June 29, 2009

If Bruce Malott's accounting firm, Meyners + Co. audits state spending,

why does Bruce Malott have a seat anywhere in state government?


Anonymous said...

Marty Esquivel is defending Bruce Mallott in the allegedly fraudulent Teachers retirement investments.
Esquivel's client, Mallott, is an/the audit director at Meyners +, who does the APS audit.
There is a disgraceful connection here, if not a conflict of interest.
Meyers+ protects APS info in the audit, and makes a lot of $$, and Esquivel defends them/ their leaders and gets lots of $$.
AKA, the president (of the board) does a $$ and services exchange with a company that's supposed to do an impartial audit?

Anonymous said...

Bruce Mallott was doing "the books" and accounting for Richardson's campaign, and is currentlyu doing the same for LT. Gov. Denish.
PS- a man named Correa made a $2 million finder's fees off of those bogus investments set up by Mallott. Follow the money trail...

Anonymous said...

crooked! Lots of money "laundering" here and people getting rich off of other's retirement money! SAD!!! But they will be exposed.......thank God!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Meyners never had the APS audit. Its been with Moss Adams for years. You guys don't have a clue.

ched macquigg said...

I have a copy of a Meyner + Co audit in my hands.

Perhaps is you are without clue. Specifically that the audit law prohibits long term exclusivity for self evident reasons.

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