Thursday, June 18, 2009

More audit problems in the APS

KOB TV, link, reports;

About 70 schools were audited and auditors found
problems at about half of them.
KOAT, link, and the Journal, link, also ran the story.

Why are there so many problems in so many places?

KOB reported audit results that revealed;
When the audit team requested information,
several APS departments didn’t respond.
How does one (administrator) simply not respond to an auditor? How does one (administrator) get away with it? Are those (administrators) who didn't respond going to feel any consequence for their corruption and/or incompetence?

How is it that after more than one hundred years,
the leadership of the APS still has not figured out how to
protect ours resources from waste due to administrative
incompetence and corruption?

There really is only one explanation; every time that these
problems have surfaced in the past, no one was actually held
accountable for their failure. There has never been a reason
to fix things, that outweighed the need to ignore each others
incompetence and corruption.

This is not rocket science. It can be made impossibly difficult
to hide corruption and incompetence. It can be made impossibly
difficult to allow even inadvertent errors to remain undisclosed.

But the leadership of the APS has decided not to make it
impossibly difficult to hide corruption and incompetence. The
leadership of the APS has chosen instead, to make it impossibly
difficult to expose administrative and executive corruption and incompetence.

They have chosen instead, to make it impossibly difficult to hold
administrators and board members accountable for anything,
not as role models of a higher standard of conduct than the law,
not even to the law, not even for felony criminal misconduct.

Consider the Peanut Butter Gate scandal in the APS Police
APS senior administrators were involved in
felony criminal misconduct. Yet the leadership of the APS is still
protecting the guilty from the consequences of their corruption
and incompetence. Evidence of felony criminal misconduct still
has not been turned over to the District Attorney's Office
more than two years later, and after statutes of limitation have
long since expired and criminal prosecutions are no longer possible.

The foxes are guarding the hen house. They refuse to allow an
impartial audit of their stewardship of more than a billion of our
eggs every year.

And every year, there will be more lost or stolen eggs, because
the foxes are never going to hold each other accountable for
occasionally loosing, or even stealing, an egg, or two, or twenty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1)secretary-bookkeeper of a prominent high school in APS had told me that several times the Principal had pocketed cash money donations during school fundraisers and never submitted it for deposit.
2) It is common practice in APS to call kids "Hispanic" or "Native American" in school reports in order to get bilingual funds (they get money per head claimed). Many, many of these children are white English-only students with no other ethnicity in their decedents or home. This money goes into the "general fund" and can be used however the principal decides.
3) There is a "petty cash" account given each year to a principal, which isn't so petty, it's a good sum. These funds can be used at the principal's discretion, and often do not require receipts or documentation.
4) I'm surprised the coach got canned and the teacher reprimanded in the news story for collecting money for booster and school athletics. Many instructors in APS do it the way they did because the school sometimes doesn't deposit their money properly, or the principal will not approve buying some items from the account, and last school year APS froze all school accounts for about 3 days, took a "little bit" out of almost every account (including fund raising accounts), and offered no apology or excuse for consuming apx 10% out of each account.
So yes..... there's a lot of problems on all ends.