Friday, February 19, 2010

Should Ben Lujan remain Speaker of the House?

Heath Haussamen asked this question 8 months ago, link.

With the addition of the debacle that was the just finished session, and his apparent loss of control over his caucus,
the question bears repeating.

photo Mark Bralley


Jerry said...

NO! Get RID OF HIM ... it is embarassing to listen to him read, he has lost control of the party in the House, he keeps trying to cut deals for himself or his buddies, like R Marco Gonzales, and he can't even get that straight!

Anonymous said...

Give him his complimentary walker w/ tennis balls on feet and a George Washington set of wooden teeth and send him on his way!
He strikes me as a grumpy old gus that gets all sorts of butthurt if things don't go his way.
We don't need 80-year old babies leading, we need real talent!