It is alleged, that yet another staff member will be leaving Jimmy Carter Middle School.
It is further alleged, that the split has to do with a disagreement between the staff member and an administrator over what will and will not be, "covered up".
That there is in fact, something being covered up, is proven by Supt Winston Brooks response to a legitimate question;
Will there be an independent fact finding of the entire situation at JCMS, that reports to the public record?

photo Mark Bralley
1 comment:
The situation between the principal @ JCMS and the security department (APS-APD officers and Security personnell)has always been tense.
If we did a survey poll, and staff and instructors were honest, they would find that they trust security and the APD officer to protect them than they do the Principal' security procedures.
And the security team was all "let go" last school year, then in the middle of this school year, the whole security team was replaced again.
LAst year, the APS-APD officer and the principal got into it and he left at the end of the year. Now, there's tension between the officer and the principal this year and he will probably leave soon.
It's not like other schools. At JCMS, admin will not give copies of referrals to security, they have to get them their selves from the teachers.
Also, Admin puts fight mediations in the hands of the security department, where in other schools, admin MUST be involved.
When security and APS-APD tries to arrest someone for serious offenses (gang activity, drugs, etc...), you can guarantee that they will not be going to D-home, or processed for arrest.
It's all to protect her rep, of course. The vice principals would do their jobs, if they were allowed to!
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