Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Denish; on archiving. not.

Diane Denish is at once two people; a Lt Governor and,
a Gubernatorial Candidate.

As Lt Governor,
she has no standing
in the archiving debate.

As a Gubernatorial Candidate, she is claiming to be the leader in transparency and open government. She has an obligation to pick a side on honest, robust and useful webcasting, and then stand up for what she believes in.

Or is that too much to ask, from a would be Governor?

I am given to believe
Rep Janice Arnold-Jones
stood in favor of archiving
on the record, and on the House floor.

I missed it, and of course,
there is no archive to retrieve it from.

Doug Turner stepped up.

He said the only reason to not archive, is to hide the truth from voters in the next elections.

Still waiting to weigh in; Allen Weh, Pete Domenici, and
Susana Martinez

photos Mark Bralley

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