If you accept the premise; government of the people,
by the people and for the people; it stands to reason,
"the people" must know as much as possible about their government.
The more they know, the more ably can they participate.
The government has the primary responsibility to spread the truth. The people should not be required to buy software, link, or do anything else except to simply "look it up".
Everything the people need to know about their government should be recorded in a place where anyone can simply look it up; quickly and easily.
At the end of this legislative session, there will or will not be webcasting done right. If there is not, the blame falls on the shoulders of those who did nothing; those who were willing to make no sacrifice in support of their commitment.
It will be because of those who picked a side when they would not pick a side.
It will be because of those who let "evil" prevail simply, by doing nothing.
What does it say for us that we are not willing to fight for the truth about the spending of our power and our resources?
The position,
the reasons to not webcast robustly to a searchable archive, outweigh the reasons to webcast robustly and to a searchable archive,is indefensible.

He cannot, so he will not,
defend his position.
There is only one defense for an indefensible position; hide it.
Stonewall. Deny the discussion.
And since there will be no searchable archive, we cannot show voters in the next election, videotape of Sanchez, betraying their interests. Thereby, making it easier for him to maintain his position of power and privilege.
There is a small handful of legislators in both Houses, who have stood on the record in support of honest webcasting. There is a small handful of legislators standing in the breach, relatively alone.
Leaders have the obligation to step into the breach. In the breach is the only place where real leadership can be manifest.
Those who cannot be the first through the breach, have an obligation to be the second. If not the second, then the third, and the fourth.
Sacrifice is the currency of commitment.
It is the only currency of commitment.
The debt one owes to one's commitments is paid in sacrifice and only in sacrifice.
Of what importance is any principle,
if there is no one willing to stand in its support,
if there is no one willing to fight in its defense,
if there is no one willing to sacrifice on its behalf?
Is truthtelling in government a principle worth fighting for?
It is time for those legislators claiming the character and the courage to be held honestly accountable for their character and competence, to step into the breach; stand up for what you believe in.
It is time for voters to stand up and deny a seat to every legislator too afraid, or too corrupt, to step into the breach on this issue and, rather immediately.
photo Mark Bralley
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