James Hallinan works for the Office of the Lt. Governor.
I got his name off the top of an official "Media advisory".
I have sent him three emails now, reading;
I am in hope that you will add me to your media advisory mailing list.
(my email address)
I am grateful for your time and attention
ched macquigg
He is apparently ignoring me.
I would suppose he is ignoring me in retaliation for my exercise of First Amendment rights to criticize his boss in writing.
That government can do this to you,
and yes, if they can do it to me, they can do it to you,
is unacceptable. Government is our servant.

I hold Lt Governor Diane Denish,
here seen promising New Mexicans
a Sunshine Portal on state government,
personally responsible for the hiding of
Media Advisories from "opposition" media.
And I see no reason to suppose that a Denish Roundhouse would behave any differently.
photo Mark Bralley
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