Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Legislative webcasting is a scam

Senate Majority Leader
Michael Sanchez
has added
another chapter in the book
about how to scam citizens into
believing they know what is
going on in the Roundhouse;
SR1, link

Within his resolution, please find;

  • "... produced from cameras configured and operated in such a way that as much of the chamber is displayed as practicable ..." and
  • "... the live stream shall not be archived."
"Google earth" camera coverage that won't allow viewers to see the faces of speakers, and no archive of the recordings, are manifest cowardice.

Unless and until citizens can look into the faces of legislators as they speak, and unless and until citizens can retrieve and examine recordings after the fact, we have made no real progress in holding them accountable.

If there is any reason at all, that cameras will not be focused upon faces, and that recordings will not be archived, except that legislators lack the moral courage to hold themselves actually and honestly accountable, I would like to know what that reason is.

It is not a lack of technology; it is not a lack of funding.

It is a lack of courage.

photo Mark Bralley

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is truly shameful behavior. Thanks for posting/exposing this attempt by the Gold Old Boys in the Roundhouse to scuttle the true intent of this bill.

I wonder what "Lady Sunlight" Janice Arnold-Jones has to say about this travesty?