Saturday, March 01, 2008

Actual Torches, Actual Pitchforks

are of course beyond the pale.

The current Commander of the APS Praetorian Guard link
(no offense to the rank and file, among them fine and decent men and women)
Bill Reed said he would accept "Nerf tubes" link

the sillier looking the better, I would suppose.

If you do bring a Nerf tube, please write upon it
"this is a torch"
or "this is a pitchfork",
in order that Commander Reed and the guard
will know on which side to seat you.

The whole thing is more than a little hard to believe.

When I asked Commander Reed to cite the specific reason
that I had been arrested, what law I had broken,
he turned it into a "public records request"
for no legitimate reason. It is not, it was not
a public records request.

A request for a public record,
is not "a public records request" as defined under
the NMIPRA, for whatever the law is worth against
APS and Modrall.

Turning the request into a public records request
serves only to lateral the ball over to the Modrall
and subjects the request to their legal weaselry.

He won't tell me what law I had allegedly broken.

Neither will he cite any rule, regulation, or law that
I might be breaking if I choose to exercise my several
specific human and constitutional rights
to wear a paper elephant mask;

an exercise of my rights that enjoyed the previous
manifest tacit approval of the mask, and of its wearing, by;
  • Monica Armenta,
    APS Executive Director of Communications, and
  • Rigo Chavez
    APS Director of Communications, and PIO
    (Public Information Obfuscater)
The real reason that I was illegally arrested was
to prevent me from calling attention to the ethics and
accountability scandal in the leadership of the APS.

Which is apparently criminal misconduct in
the Susie Rayos Marmon Boardroom link
and in most other third world countries.

Please note;
as the result of a public records request, I have found out
that there is absolutely no public record of my arrest.

with the single exception of security camera footage
of my being unceremoniously pushed face down
into an otherwise fairly comfortable couch.

There is no video or audio recording of anything
that happened before the meeting was called to order.

(there is apparently a security camera in the lobby but
not in the boardroom, where Tom Ryan's Toy Chest
holds tens of thousands of dollars worth of
state of the art video and audio surveillance equipment,
all of which I suppose, is highly theft sensitive.

Nor is their video and audio surveillance of the Public Forum.

And most importantly,
there is no electronic surveillance in place to thwart
elephant mask wearing character counts advocates, and
other terrorists.

No record of Bill Reed's call on an APS cellphone,
within his public service, to a public police dispatcher,
which resulted in the dispatch (without record)
of yet another public servant.

No record of "belt" recorder tapes.

No incident report filed by either police officer.

No record of statements from witnesses,
not even their names.

As it turns out, there never was an
elephant mask wearing protester
at the meeting.

This is what you get
when you let Paula Maes and Modrall
field their own little publicly funded, private police force
to enforce their will.

A Praetorian Guard;
  • that is neither certified nor certificated by anyone,
  • that is not accredited by anyone,
  • that is not over seen by anyone, except
    Paula Maes and the good ol' boys in the APS and Modrall.

And, of course,
not a crime reporter in sight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had no idea you were arrested and forced onto a couch. I thought you were just removed or asked to leave. Perhaps you ought to bring your own witnesses from now on ... perhaps your lawyer.
I'm not sure I understand what law was broken or what harm there was in regard to Mr. Reed saying it was because of "Public Records Request" or whatever you wrote it was.