Monday, March 17, 2008

the "APS Evolution Fight", is a Red Herring

There is no evolution fight.

Winston Brooks
has not said one word about any changes in
the APS that have anything to do with evolution.

It is a red herring. The Journal is trying to keep

Winston Brooks, from becoming the center of attention
on the issue of administrative role modeling of the student
standard of conduct.

During every hour that Winston Brooks spends looking across
the educational interface;

the spot where students and the system
stand stand toe to toe, eyeball to eyeball;
Winston Brooks will be paid $231.31 to
be the APS' senior most role model of the student
standard of conduct.

Yet, Winston Brooks will not be honestly accountable to
that standard of conduct; not even for 6.5 hours and
$1,516.48 a day.

By his own deliberate choice.

It isn't just about role modeling.

Were Winston Brooks honestly accountable to
the student standard of conduct;

if, and when, the question of evolution is raised by anyone
but Paula Maes and her crony at the Journal
Thomas J Lang.

there will not be a fight,

every stakeholder on any side of the issue of evolution,
would have the right to participate meaningfully in what
ever decision is made;

there will be a lesson taught to the 89,000 of our sons and
daughters who attend the APS.

about how adults settle important questions.

there will be role modeling
of the student standard of conduct
during the debate.

there will not be a fight.

Instead; we will pay Winston Brooks more than
fifteen hundred dollars a day to be a
the senior role model of hypocrisy.

You can see why Paula Maes, Modrall and
the good ol' boys want Zsombor Peter and
the Journal to change the subject.

It will give Jim Villanucci something to talk about beside
the fact that Winston Brooks is being paid $231.31 an hour
to be the senior administrative role model
of the student standard of conduct;

but is not honestly accountable to that standard,

nor any other meaningful standard of conduct;

not even for measly 6,5 hours a day he any your child
work together at the educational interface.

$276,000, divided by the 1,183 hours that
Winston Brooks
and our children work together at school;
$233.31 each hour.

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