Saturday, March 01, 2008

A Full Scale Forensic APS Accountability Audit

is a threat to no one

except the corrupt and the incompetent in
the leadership of the APS.

An audit will, though its fundamental design,
expose corruption and incompetence.

It will expose the corrupt and the incompetent.

They will be held honestly accountable for their conduct
and their competence as public servants;

by a system they cannot manipulate,

and even against their will.

Maes and Modrall will not be able to save them,
because they will be among them.

The corrupt and the incompetent will lose their jobs.
They will be prosecuted civilly and criminally.

Who gives a shit?

What about APS' decent and capable administrators?

What about the administrators who do have
the character and the courage to be role models
of a higher standard of conduct?

Do we owe them nothing?

Ayn Rand wrote that
when we treat the good and the evil the same;
we do so to the advantage of evil.

And when Edmund Burke wrote that
the only advantage that evil needs to prevail in the world
is for good men to do nothing.

Torches and Pitchforks is what he was writing about.

You pick a side when you don't pick a side.

Do nothing.
Find an excuse not to attend; and

Paula Maes, Mary Lynn Roper, Thomas Lang,
Michelle Donaldson, and Sue Stephens

will find the all of advantage they need
to prevail.

Anyone who waits for the perfect circumstances
to make their stand against tyranny
has found only an excuse to do nothing, ever.

There are no perfect circumstances;
only this time and these circumstances.

This is the time and these are the circumstances.

We will either rise up against the evil in the leadership of the APS

or we will not.

There is not going to be a better set of circumstances.
This is it.

... take it, or leave it.

Its time to walk the talk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Board Intends to Appoint APS Boss on March 8

But former APS board member Leonard DeLayo has concerns.
"It's a short time-frame," said DeLayo, who is now executive director of the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government. "From an open government standpoint, I'd certainly like them to expand (it)."