Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"But it is time to move past the blame game."

James Jimenez; the governor's spokesperson
on the NM DOT debacle.

It is a magic phrase.

If offered at the right time; it separates good ol' boys
from real accountability for their incompetence and
their corruption.

Never mind if the conditions that led to Humpty
falling of the wall are ever explained, defended, or
even acknowledged.

All a good ol' boy ever has to say is;

I will glue Humpty back together again.
(so there is no need to play the game
of placing blame and assessing meaningful consequences)

The "blame game" is not a game.

It is the process by which the same mistake
does not get made again, and again,

... and again.

It is the process that separates good ol' boys
from lifetime employment in jobs for which they are unqualified.

Worth reflecting upon;
you never hear a victim say;

... it is time to move past the blame game.

you hear it only from the perpetrator.

(or their PR guy who taxpayers paid
to write a letter to the editor of the Journal,
who dutifully published it.)

Humpty wiki link

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