Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Winston Brooks "homo humor" Fall Out

Recall please, that at first, I just passed this one along
without comment.

And now I think that I have something to offer.

The bottom line appears to be that
Winston Brooks
offended some stakeholders.


If you read their comments, they seem like decent people
expressing reasonable upset. link Certainly nothing
in the most of them, that justifies the forfeiture
of their right to be respected as stakeholders.

If Winston Brooks were actually accountable,
to the same standard of conduct that
he will enforce upon students;

he would be required to either defend his remark,

or simply apologize.

"I understand that I have offended some stakeholders.
I regret it, and I am sorry.
I will try my best not to offend you again, and
I will work even harder to repair your confidence
and respect in me.
Until that time, I am in your debt".
or words to that effect.

At this, his first moment of truth,

he will either reply in words that a child can understand,
as a role model of the student standard of conduct.

or he will respond in the tradition of gob;
the sound made by people hiding behind a stone wall
and saying nothing.

This guy is never going to be held honestly accountable to
the student standard of conduct;

even though he is the senior most administrative
role model
of the student standard of conduct.

He is never going to be held honestly accountable to
any standard of conduct at all, not even the law.

Just like Paula Maes, Modrall,
and the rest of the good ol' boys
in the leadership of the APS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why are they all hugging anyway? I all kind of stupid, from a professional perspective.
I don't know...maybe it's all part of Paula's re-negotiated pact w/Satan rules? ("Shame on us, shame on us...tsk tsk")
Harper Valley PTA should be filmed here next!