Friday, March 07, 2008

One Meeting Down; Three To Go

The first meeting began at 6:30 am.

Its focus was upon student leaders.

I cannot begin to tell you how impressed I was by
the young men and women I heard being interviewed
by reporters, and with whom I chatted.

Articulate, insightful, intelligent, imaginative;
there should be a place for them in
APS' decision making process.

I think it is fair to say that they are not convinced that
the gr'ups* are really listening.

They were asked to compile questions for the candidates
and then the good ol' boys went ahead and asked their own.

I have offered the students my site to express themselves on the record.

This site obviously carries some baggage that it would be
unfair to saddle students with.

I will offer Eye On APS, link lock stock and barrel to any "sponsor"
who will use the site in the best interests of students.


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