Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"The agenda for this meeting will be released 24 hours before the meeting."

The APS School Board has scheduled a special meeting for April 5th, link.

There is a note posted in place of the agenda. It reads;

The agenda for this meeting will be released 24 hours
before the meeting.
... the absolute minimum notification required by the law. One minute less and they would be in violation of the Open Meetings Act.

The advantage they seek is, negligible attendance, which is also why the meeting starts before anyone who works 9 to 5, can get there.

According to the APS Student Standards of Conduct;
a person of character must often do more than the law requires, and less than the law allows.
Students are told that if they don't make every reasonable
effort to include stakeholders in decision making that affects
their interests, they do so at the forfeit of their good character.

The leadership of the APS is not accountable to that standard by their own deliberate choice.

They removed from their code of conduct, the phrase;
in no case shall the standard of conduct for an adult
be lower than the standard of conduct for students.
Therefore, they are "accountable" only to the law, and
unaccountable to any standard of ethical conduct.

And 24 hours notice to a meeting no one can attend,
in a room no one can justify,
works just fine.

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