Monday, March 03, 2008

School Board President Paula Maes Modrall

has made it crystal clear;
she will not allow any audit that will hold individual
administrators, like Tom Savage, honestly accountable
for their conduct and competence as public servants.

She and the good ol' boys in the APS have every intention
of hiring a new superintendent that feels exactly
the same way.

Stakeholders need to send Paula and the boys a message;

  • No Accountability Audit
  • No new superintendent
Repeat as often and as loudly as is necessary.

Are Paula Maes,
and the other members of the school board

Robert Lucero
Delores Griego
Berna Facio
Marty Esquivel
Gordon Rowe,
Mary Lee Martin

so far beyond our influence that we can do nothing
to protect the trust and the treasure that we are
compelled to place in the hands of APS administrators?

APS School Board members, you serve our interests.
You do not legitimately serve the interests of
the good ol' boys in the APS.

We will not accept as our next superintendent,
another good old boy
who's highest priority is not education,

but rather,

avoiding a cleansing audit of the leadership of the APS.

No audit, no new superintendent.

Will will wait for a candidate with the character and
the courage to enforce meaningful standards of
conduct and competence
on the public servants
in the public schools.

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