Monday, March 03, 2008

Paula Maes Clears The Air

APS School Board President Paula Maes cleared up
a couple of points in a letter to the community,
posted on the APS website link

  • She will not try to keep stakeholders from attending any or all of the meetings.
  • Teachers union President Ellen Bernstein's questions will not be asked in public.
  • And neither Ellen Bernstein, nor any other audience members will be allowed to ask specific
    questions of any of the candidates, on any issue.
Which does not allow stakeholders input in the decision
based on the answers of the candidates to critical specific

Nothing yet from the League of Women Voters regarding how
they allowed themselves to be put in the position of helping
Paula Maes disenfranchise stakeholders.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here we go again. The APS Board has hired a company for $100,000 and that group cannot even keep the process "clean". The board should not have been involved in screening the candidates, but should have left the process to the committee and then received the best-qualified candidates.

This did not happen and therefore they were able to influence the committee in the direction that they wanted.

There were some very qualified applicants who did not even get out of this tainted selection process and into the final 6, perhaps because the board had already made up their collective mind. How Ms. Sink made it to this level is beyond me.

Oh, by the by, check and see who really started the first 9th grade academy in APS, it was not Ms. Sink, she happened to inherit the academy that was in existence at least four years before her arrival at Cibola. That is not a difficult thing to research, but that has never stopped the APS Board (see Brad Allison).

Also, one might want to investigate the other individual who has ties to APS, Tom Miller. Check his background and see if you can't find out why he left APS when he did. You might discover there are some skeletons in that closet, too.

Let's hope the board can redeem itself with their final selection. It seems as though the deck is stacked and the decision has already been made. Congratulations Ms. Sink...

P.S. ask some principals about Ms. Sink's legendary temper, a great quality for a superintendent don't you think?