Monday, March 03, 2008

Good decision Winston !! This move will raise the IQs in both states !!!

So says a Wichita public school system stakeholder,
about their superintendent, who would like to be ours.


"Must be time for him to negotiate his salary.
Well, this time I hope the school board does not
give into the blackmail designed to (give) him
a higher salary."
and of candidate Norris;
With his own "Next Generation Learning Plan"
not even implemented yet, Mr. Norris all of a sudden
finds another urgent need to leave this School District
twisting in the wind while he mulls offers from other
whom would be wise to learn what he did to our kids
our teachers our Schools,
before hiring this dishonest, and untrustworthy

Having direct personal and professional experience with
our schools and our students on a daily basis,
I'm inclined to agree with the previous criticisms of
Dr. Norris's influence on our district and on the
damaged quality of education that has come about as
a result of his influence.
The local media will not do any internet searches for APS
stakeholders, to investigate APS superintendent candidates.

You will have to do them yourself.

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