Saturday, September 15, 2007

"What we have here, is a failure to communicate."

The real question is why?

There are only two real choices;

the leadership of the APS is incompetent;
all of them together lack the necessary skill set
to communicate honestly, candidly, and forthrightly; or;

the leadership of the APS is corrupt;
their refusal to communicate is a deliberate choice.

Jolene Gutierrez Krueger (Trib columnist) wants to perpetuate the belief the leadership of the APS are only incompetent. She asks;
Is communication such an unknown skill at APS...?

She cannot possibly believe that the issue is one of skill.
Nor can anyone else; not really.

Why beat around the bush?

Anyone who continues to suggest that the cover ups are the inadvertent manifestation of innocent incompetence; only diverts attention from the deliberate intention
of the leadership of the APS;to hide incompetence and corruption from stakeholders.

What we have here; is a deliberate refusal to communicate.

Speculation about other causes serves no purpose,
but to enable their further refusal
to share the inconvenient truth with stakeholders.


Anonymous said...

Check out channel 7 report on Special Ed and APS~

Anonymous said...

I think APS has communicated VERY clearly..... "We don't care what you think!" is their message to the public, parents and teachers.